Tarptautinė savanorystė

Hello, my name is Elnur Abbaszade. I’m from Azerbaijan, Baku. I’m 25 years old. Before starting the ESC project, I had established several goals. My goals were to study Lithuanian culture, history, daily life, and language. However, I was pleased to discover that the ESC project offered opportunities to improve other personal qualities that I believed were already in good condition. Engaging with local communities, evaluating their stories and making meaningful connections are important aspects of the travel experience. Cooking together can serve as a social bridge, fostering connections between cultures and strengthening a sense of community. So during my time with the children, I would like to participate in a variety of activities, such as baking Lithuanian dishes. I really like to go with children to Ethno-Culture Club. This club can help me learn about the history of Lithuania. By participating in these events, I am able not only to explore aspects of culture, but also to demonstrate their commitment to promoting a sense of citizenship and community spirit. Working with children with special educational needs has a very positive effect on me, they are like little suns that give me a stream of endless energy. As a result, I am always in a positive mood, looking for ways to entertain them and reveal their abilities. Developing creativity and self-expression in children is my main goal. Working with children with special educational needs taught me how difficult it can be, but at the same time it is very interesting because they need special care and I like it.

My name is Zarina.
I’m 29 and I’m from Azerbaijan.
As an English teacher I care more about Methods and strategy’s of teaching in different countries,so for that purpose i tried my chance in Lithuania.
‘Dermes Mokykla’ is my best chance to try my knowledges in foreign country .
I hope so i could learn more about this country ,culture and history as well .
My little friends are trying to help me as much as they can , they are 3c grade,but they’re smart enough to teach.

2022-2023 m. m. mokykloje savanoriauja savanorė iš Turkijos:

My name is Esra Mollaoğlu. I am 29 years old a self-taught artist from Turkey. Before coming to Lithuania i was working as a photographer and a painter in one of the hugest adventure park in Bursa. I work on acrylic paintings on any surfaces. And also I was given painting lessons to children.

2020–2021 m. m. ir 2021–2022 m. m. Šiaulių „Dermės“ mokykloje savanorišką tarnybą atlieka Europos solidarumo korpuso programos projekto „Volunteering for Solidarity Education“ savanorė Tamari Gasitashvili (Sakartvelas).


Hello everyone. I am Tamari, 24 years old, from Batumi Georgia. I am very glad to participate in this project, because I am very self-motivated student with experience in teaching English language. The reason I have chosen to participate in this project is that I had been working as an English teacher in Georgia and had a wish to improve my skills in teaching and experience working with children, especially special education needs. So far, non-formal education activities motivates me most because children are very happy, all the time they are curious. Living in Lithuania for ten months will be quite enough to discover society, culture. I will be able to learn about the living conditions of people from other countries. My roommates are from Turkey and Armenia. It is my first time living independently, alone, living far away from my country, family and friends. However, as a short-term citizen in Lithuania, I already have met many great people here. Some of them are becoming close friends. First thing I have learned and love it’s the connection between people and nature. Compared to Georgia, I love the way people protect nature, recycle and save water here. I cannot wait what these next months will bring.

2020–2021 m. m. Šiaulių „Dermės“ mokykloje savanorišką tarnybą atlieka 2 Europos solidarumo korpuso programos projekto „Volunteering for Solidarity Education“ savanoriai Sami Onk (Turkija) ir Leyla Dadashova (Azerbaidžanas).

Hello, laba diena. My name is Leyla. I am 24 years old. I am from Baku, Azerbaijan and I am so happy to be a volunteer in Siauliai “Dermes” School. I always wanted to try volunteering and this project is a great possibility to try new things and to challenge myself as well in new role. Living in a foreign country with new people is a great challenge for me, which helps me to improve my personal and social competences. I would like to learn how to adapt working in different groups, communicating with anyone regardless of age, gender, and social group, cultural or personal differences. I think it can help me to develop awareness, comprehension, flexibility and self-confidence. I think I am lucky because I work with children; I try to help them in everything. I am trying to learn Lithuanian language from them. Another great thing about this project learning how to manage and control my pocket and food money, to count the difference of currency.


My name is Sami Onk. I am 25 years old person from Turkey. I am a volunteer in Siauliai “Dermes” school. I chose Lithuania, because it is the European country and I want to know different cultures. I think benefits of the EU volunteering projects are cultural exchanging and language learning. The project will last 10 months, so I can meet people all around the Europe and have a conversation with them. I think I can learn a lot here. I already discovered that I like being around kids, I like creating random games and singing some songs. I feel that I am better on preparing a group game, creating communication and producing new ideas. Body language is very good alternative for them to explain.


2019-2020 m.m.

2019–2020 m. m. Šiaulių logopedinėje mokykloje savanorišką tarnybą atlieka 2 Europos solidaruko korpuso programos projekto „Volunteering for Solidarity Education“ savanorės Elene Esakia (Gruzija) ir Jamila Eyvazova (Azerbaidžanas).

My name is Elene Esakia. I am 23 years old girl from Georgia, Tbilisi. Last summer I graduated Tbilisi State University Psychology major. I always had a dream to travel around the world, get to know people and their traditions. This was one of the main reason why I applied to ESC project in Šiauliai. Here I work with children, I am their after school teacher but sometimes I feel that I am studying from them also. This is my first time being so far and long away from my family and I think I am becoming more independent and I am loving it. I also love our little school projects, playing with kids, becoming friends with new people from around the Europe and also exploring Lietuva more. I think Šiauliai in my memories will become most important and beautiful one because here is the place where I will learn what adulthood really is.

Labas ! My name is Vagharshak and I’m from Armenia . I am an EVS volunteer here in Siauliai which is the  4th largest city in Lithuania. It’s really wonderfull place and if you love nature , interested in learning Lithuanian language or improve your language skills like English or Russian and do volunteering activity ,  then don’t hesitate to apply for EVS projects here. Already 3 months that I’m here and day by day I love Lithuania more and more. My project is in logopedic school which is the one in Lithuania. I really enjoy my time here because the people and the children that I work with are very kind  and cheerful. I  already more or less  can understand  Lithuanian language because my little friends  help and want to get in touch with me a lot. I also had 35 hours of Lithuanian language courses here beacause the project provided it. You should be very patient in order to be a  teacher and get in touch with children but If you success, will see that it is worth. The positive energy that children give, you can never find somewhere else and as my beloved mentor  says ” you don’t live the same day being a  teacher”.  I also have my own drawing classes here. I teach children how to draw and  in return they teach me Lithuanian language. I’m sure that this 10 months will stay as a good memory in my life and I agree with a proverb ”It’s never to late to learn” .

I’m Tamara, from Georgia, Tbilisi. I’m an actress, about 4 years worked at the theatre. Then I began to study psychology at the Ilia State University. My hobbies are singing, reading, poetry and prose writing.

This summer I saw a statement about EVS  and made a dicision to take part. So, here I am in Lithuania.

 I think I’m lucky because I work with children, I try to help them in everything.I’m trying to learn Lithuanian language from them, sometimes I share Georgian language and alphabet with them.

I think it was right decision to take part in this project. During this time I’ll learn many new things. I’ll make new friends, create and participate in different interesting projects.

Can Kaplan

   My name is Can Kaplan. I am 24 years old. I am from Turkey. I live in Ankara. My profession is photo journalist. I graduated from the Ege University in Izmir.

   I came as a volunteer to your school, according to EVS project. I chose Lithuania, because it is the European country and also it is famous for its history.

  The project will be lasting for 10 months. I think I can learn a lot here.

Savanorio Can Kaplan žvilgsnis į mūsų mokyklą:

My name is Jamila.I am 26 years old.I am from Sumgait,Azerbaijan.I like art,handmade,drawing,to explore new places,go to concert,theatre and museums.I like play with children.I think there are many ways to make children happy.When i read about this project I decided go to Lithuania and work with children in Logopedic School.It was my dream and now it is real.Also we – volunteers live in here alone. We have own flats. I make my own food and i am responsible for myself. This is good experience in my life and i am so happy.

2018–2019 m. m. Šiaulių logopedinėje mokykloje savanorišką tarnybą atlieka 2 vykdomu Erasmus+ programos tarptautinės savanorystės projekto „Naujos galimybės-3“ savanoriai Shushanik Ghazaryan (Armėnija) ir Micha Rohner (Austrija). Štai, kaip jie abu ir kiekvienas atskirai pristatė savanorystę mokykloje:

Main task during the project is to support the children with special needs in their everyday duties giving them individual help; for instance: helping with getting dressed, accompany them for having lunch, helping with homework, organizing their free time and spending it with them. Enough time is allowed to realize our own projects and we can initiate any activities with members of school community. As well as helping the class leaders during their work with the children in caring tasks; helping during the daily housework; helping for the teachers, preparing various materials for classes; after-school clubs, school trips; taking pictures from school events; making a presentation about your home country and volunteering in general.

· Shushanik Ghazaryan

    My name is Shushanik. I am 24 years old. I am from Yerevan – beautiful city in Armenia. I just finished my studies. I really like music, arts, traveling, different people, places and events. My sister was in Lithuania before doing volunteering and I decided to do the same, so that’s why I chose volunteering in Lithuania So, now I am a volunteer at Šiauliai logopedic school. I work with children; I help them in extra-curricular activities. I like playing with kids with different instruments, drawing and making different handcrafts. I try to share my culture, traditions. Of course, I also learn from them about Lithuania. We are good friends with children, like one big international family.

· Micha Rohner

    My name is Micha. I am 22 years old. I am from Austria. I live in small town called Hard next to the mountains, but now I my town is Siauliai. I think volunteering project will be a big impact into my future career choice. I always had in mind that I want to be a teacher, but I wasn’t sure. Now I know that this can be the perfect way for me, and I can study without doubting, because I love children and I love working with them. In addition, for me it is fun to live alone because it is something completely new for me. Having your one flat and having that level of self-determination is so great. I feel so free to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I like to prepare my food and even cleaning is fun, when it is your own flat.

Halyna Dashkevych

    My name is Halyna. I am 21 year old. I am from Lviv – beautiful city in Ukraine. I am a journalist. I like telling stories about different people, places, events and possibilities.

    But once I decided not only to look from aside but to become a part of the new story of myself. That’s why I went to Lithuania. So, now I am a volunteer at Šiauliai logopedic school.

   I work with children; I help them in extra-curricular activities. I like drawing and making different handicrafts. I try to use my abilities when I work with children.  We paint a lot and we make Ukrainian toys.

   I try to share my culture, traditions. Of course, I also learn from them about Lithuania. I translate for them some words, which they want to know in Ukrainian and they speak with me in Lithuanian. So every day we have self-organized language lesson. But, in my opinion, the most important thing is SMILE J  It’s the same in all languages.

   We are good friends with children, like one big international family.

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Paskutinio atnaujinimo data – 2024-02-27